10 Volume Pachad Yitzchak (Pahad Yitzhak) Jewish Hebrew Encyclopedia For Talmud Isaac Lampronti
Description: Encyclopedia to the Talmud and it's commentaries and personalities. Written by Yitzchak Lampronti (b. 1679) with many pages
of approbations of all the Rabbinic personalities in Northern Italy at the time (1750). I think this is the first work of it's kind on the Talmud. This 10 volume set is a facsimile of the Venice print of 1750. The Inquisitor's statement in Italian is included below with the translation.
Condition: As seen, and all pages are clear.
Venduto per la fede di revisione approbazione del P. fr. paolo Tomaso Manuelli Inquisitor General del S. O. di venezia nel libro intitolato timore d'Isac qual non v'effer cos'alcuna contro la S. Fede Cattolica, parimente per Attestato del segretario nostro niente contro prencipi, & buoni costumi, concedemo licenza a Benjamin Polacco Della Bragadina Ebrea Stamperia di Venezia, che possesser stampato, osservando gl'ordini in materia di stampe, & presentando le solite copie alle pubbliche librarie di venezia & di padoa
Si concede licenza a Benjamin Polacco di poter Stampar nella solita Privileggiata Stamparia Bragadina il libro ebraica, intitolato Timore d'Isac qual e dizionario rituale in lingua ebraica M.S. e cio con le solite censure de rabini e la presente debba esser stampata & inserta in ciaschedun tomo a chiara notizia d'ogn'uno, &c
Translated Into English to the best of my ability:
This may be sold by review and consent of Fr. Paolo Tomaso Manuelli Inquisitor General of the SO in Venice. That the Book of The Fear Of Isaac does not malign the Holy Catholic Faith, by our secretary's attestation there is nothing against its principles, or customs. We hereby grant permission to Benjamin Polacco of Bragadina Hebrew Printing of Venice, the owner of this printing house, in supervising the orders for prints, he will present the usual copies to the public libraries of Venice & Padua
Cattaverl (?)
A license is hereby given to Benjamin Polacco to be able to Publish solely in Stamparia Bragadina, in totality, the Jewish book titled Fear of Isaac which is a Hebrew ritual dictionary(!) in manuscript, and this with the usual rabbis' approbations. This notice must be printed & inserted into each one in a clear manner.
We accept payment by MO, Chk, All major Credit Cards and Paypal.
This listing has pictures of the actual book or books being sold, no stock-photos or photos of similar items, I took a complete set of new pictures especially for this listing and I have carefully described the condition of this specific item that you are looking at. Thank You.
of approbations of all the Rabbinic personalities in Northern Italy at the time (1750). I think this is the first work of it's kind on the Talmud. This 10 volume set is a facsimile of the Venice print of 1750. The Inquisitor's statement in Italian is included below with the translation.
Condition: As seen, and all pages are clear.
Venduto per la fede di revisione approbazione del P. fr. paolo Tomaso Manuelli Inquisitor General del S. O. di venezia nel libro intitolato timore d'Isac qual non v'effer cos'alcuna contro la S. Fede Cattolica, parimente per Attestato del segretario nostro niente contro prencipi, & buoni costumi, concedemo licenza a Benjamin Polacco Della Bragadina Ebrea Stamperia di Venezia, che possesser stampato, osservando gl'ordini in materia di stampe, & presentando le solite copie alle pubbliche librarie di venezia & di padoa
Si concede licenza a Benjamin Polacco di poter Stampar nella solita Privileggiata Stamparia Bragadina il libro ebraica, intitolato Timore d'Isac qual e dizionario rituale in lingua ebraica M.S. e cio con le solite censure de rabini e la presente debba esser stampata & inserta in ciaschedun tomo a chiara notizia d'ogn'uno, &c
Translated Into English to the best of my ability:
This may be sold by review and consent of Fr. Paolo Tomaso Manuelli Inquisitor General of the SO in Venice. That the Book of The Fear Of Isaac does not malign the Holy Catholic Faith, by our secretary's attestation there is nothing against its principles, or customs. We hereby grant permission to Benjamin Polacco of Bragadina Hebrew Printing of Venice, the owner of this printing house, in supervising the orders for prints, he will present the usual copies to the public libraries of Venice & Padua
Cattaverl (?)
A license is hereby given to Benjamin Polacco to be able to Publish solely in Stamparia Bragadina, in totality, the Jewish book titled Fear of Isaac which is a Hebrew ritual dictionary(!) in manuscript, and this with the usual rabbis' approbations. This notice must be printed & inserted into each one in a clear manner.
We accept payment by MO, Chk, All major Credit Cards and Paypal.
This listing has pictures of the actual book or books being sold, no stock-photos or photos of similar items, I took a complete set of new pictures especially for this listing and I have carefully described the condition of this specific item that you are looking at. Thank You.